Cat Temple Prague

Sanctuary of intensive looks, fur and deep relief.

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About Us

They live with me, I live with them.
I serve them, they take care of me on specific level.
5 cats at home + more around.
Follow us to share the bliss!

Ťafí, Ťafina, Madam Fãf Madam Fãf
Adélka, Sůvě
Jaguárka, Jaguna, ZaguZagu Jaguárka
Bob, Bobánek, Knedla
Rescator, Emanuel Macron, Panda, Trojnožka/Trojnoh, 3/4kočka, Tripod

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the hierarchy here?
A: Ťafí or Madam Fãf - The Mother, the origin of this ancestry.
Her daughters Adélka and ZaguZagu.
Bobánek and seňor Rescator are sons of ZaguZagu.
There were more relatives, you might see them later.
Unfortunately - the Fathers always stay unknown.
Sad update of March 2023 - our beloved Ťafí went away and did not show up again. Wishing her happy journey wherever she goes ♥.

Q: Is Adélka really somehow owl-ish?
A: Yes, Adélka is strange creature on the verge of a cat, an owl and a monkey.

Q: Bobánek seems like an introvert..?
A: ... he barely comes inside. He patiently meditates in the wilderness all year round.

Q: Does seňor Rescator really have just 3 legs?
A: Yes. He tragically lost his hind right leg soon after birth. Mommy Zagu was very tired and did not bite the navel cord properly. It wrapped around his leg and choked it.
He is quite a macho though, living leg-less does not seem like a big deal for him.

Q: Those three in front look like some different breed!
A: Yes, what a wonder. ZaguZagu and Bobánek are really high density bodies in contrast with Ťafí and Adélka who are almost "wireframe cats" - just small fraction of the space occupied by cat is actually filled with cat matter. Rescator is bridging this huge difference, wild haired tough guy.
They are all of one strain.  

Q: Why on Earth are these little images so blurry comparing to those lovely photos on Instagram?
A: These are enlarged areas of the very rare main picture with all five noble beings together. So you do not lose the track of who is who.  



Their Human Commissary ~ Ondřej Ševčík
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